If you have a painful or bulging hernia that needs repair, you can trust Nabeel Shabout, MD, and his skilled staff at North Tarrant Surgical & Aesthetics in Fort Worth Alliance, Texas. He offers hernia repair for all types of hernias to ease discomfort and reduce the chance of severe pain and other complications. Call the office to schedule an appointment, or use the online booking tab today.

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What is hernia repair?

A hernia is an area of soft tissue that bulges through other tissues. It causes a gap or space in tissues that hold muscles in place while the inside layers bulge, tear, or cause a balloon-like sac. When left untreated, hernias can cause pain and life-threatening problems. See Dr. Shabout at the first sign of a hernia.

What are the different types of hernias?

Various hernias exist. An inguinal hernia appears in your groin, an umbilical hernia develops at your belly button, and a hiatal hernia occurs when part of your stomach bulges through your diaphragm. The earlier you seek treatment, the better your chance of avoiding complications. Hernia repair corrects abnormalities caused by bulging tissues.

What are the symptoms of hernias?

In many cases, you’ll notice a visible bulge in the affected tissues and ongoing discomfort or pain when lifting objects, straining during bowel movements, or while urinating. The pain could feel sharp or like a dull ache that worsens at the end of the day. You might have continued pain, tenderness, or redness at the site of a hernia.

Some people are born with hernias or develop them due to weekend tissues, heavy lifting, aging, an old incision, persistent coughing, or straining while going to the bathroom.

Is hernia repair right for me?

Dr. Shabout determines if you’re a candidate for hernia repair after reviewing your medical history and symptoms, completing a physical exam, and ordering blood tests, heart function testing, or imaging procedures if necessary. He then tailors a treatment plan based on your needs and preferences.

What happens during hernia repair?

You receive anesthesia to help you fall asleep or to numb the treatment area and relax you. Dr. Shabout uses innovative robotic or laparoscopic technology to repair the affected tissues, sometimes using a mesh patch, before closing the incisions. You’re then monitored in a recovery area for about 1-2 hours.

What should I expect after hernia repair?

After hernia repair, you can usually head home the same day but have a family member or friend drive you. Take your medications as directed, get plenty of rest, and avoid strenuous activity until given the OK. Expect some soreness at the treatment site for a few days.

You may be able to return to normal activities within a week after surgery, but avoid lifting objects and exercising until Dr. Shabout gives you clearance. Attend follow-up appointments with him to ensure proper healing.

To learn more about hernia repair at North Tarrant Surgical & Aesthetics and find out if it’s right for you, call the office or use the online booking tab today.